The inevitable impeachment of Trump and the destruction of the GOP is the culmination of events that began in ’08 with McCain’s choice of the intellectually challenged Palin as his VP in an effort to attract the lowest intellects into the party as an unwavering base. I think they greatly undercalculated just how many of those there are, and found the demographic taking over the party and electing their own kind at all levels once they sobered up long enough to vote.
It didn’t take long before they had a President “just like them” and his wholesale willy-nilly appointment of unqualified people to critical positions in government threatens our nation’s ability to respond to its growing number of complex problems. My objection to the impeachment process is that its focus is too narrow and subject to opinion/interpretation. He should have been thrown out of office as unfit when he turned our border into a squalid concentration camp and a source of highly profitable fodder for adoption agencies and private prison corporations.