The left (for record, I'm extreme left) hinges all of their asperations on the ability to take money from rich people so it can be redistributed to those not so rich. If that was how it actually worked, and make no mistake that the leadership of the faux left doesn't understand how it works, that would be a worthy goal for our society and would comply with the mandate of our government as a "service" to "the common welfare".
I am fully behind taxing the bejesus out of the wealthy simply because they have too damn much money and they use it to pervert our democratic process to their benefit. The mistake the left makes is assuming that this is somehow connected to spending by Congress and funding the greater good issues they believe in. It is not, and never has been.
Without a gold reserve to defend Congress has control of an infinite amount of "self funding sovereign fiat dollars" it can use to deploy resources and labor in the private sector. It can "afford" anything that exists or potentially exists, even without a dime of revenue. There is no "infinite+1" that makes Congress better able to accomplish progressive goals with increased taxation on anybody, regardless of how much they earn.
Tax collections simply return to government where they decrease the deficit/debt and cannot survive that function to be recycled into new spending. "ALL" new spending is via brand new fresh fiat dollars. In fact, even the ability to pay taxes and loan dollars to the government (bonds) are the result of that spending. One cannot collect or borrow what doesn't yet exist.
The best (only?) way we can deal with the influence the wealthy have on our economic policies is to make them irrelevant to those policies. Don't buy into the fallacy of composition (lie) that we must "get" money to spend on the public purpose to secure the rights of all people.
Your congresscritter knows its a lie and if you let them know that you know its a lie also they will fear you as they should. Federal government programs and benefits are "funded" by their votes, not taxation or borrowing. Don't let them obscure all economic issues with needless battles over "funding" when their votes are all that is needed to realize our goals.