The medical community keeps dragging down the "ideal" BP rate. I was once told not to be too concerned over 130/65 and then it was termed "dangerous" above 120/60, and now Drs are recommending 100/55-60.
I had 2 stents implanted a couple of years ago due to cholesterol blockage and being a long time smoker. I found out I also have Afib, a rhythm problem. I'm creeping up on 75 and have a family history of cardiac problems, so it was hardly a shock. I'll be taking whatever meds the Drs tell me to take, although I'm tired of looking like a Dalmatian because of bruising whenever I bump or scrape myself in the slightest. Oh well. I might not have my health, but I've got a bunch of good stories.
However, I have a son and two son-in-laws that had attacks years before mine and we lost one of the son-in-laws in January at the age of 49. Cardiac problems at younger and younger age seems to be a thing. Perhaps we didn't do ourselves any real favor when we invented machines to do much or our manual labor. Now we need machines to make us work and walk and run.