Keith Evans
2 min readJun 10, 2019


The party most certainly is in disarray. Half of the field, if not more, are cut from the same neoliberal cloth as Hillary, Biden, and Obama. Their day is over and we don’t have time to play their games of feigned support for the people while shoveling dollars to the “markets” and the MIC. How can you equate “progressive with anyone who voted to cut Social Security or Medicare and also supported the ridiculous military budget? Wearing the D emblem doesn’t allow one to automatically qualify as “progressive”.

The truth is that the party is afraid to release data for how many defected after the debacle of 2016. Their only hope of defeating Bernie again is those voters staying away from the party until after the convention when the gaggle of candidates prevents him from winning outright in the first round and the elite super delegates can then install their choice of neoliberals to carry on the Clinton tradition of backroom deals and self-enrichment the party has become famous for. Many are still pissed that Clinton and half the DNC leadership aren’t in jail.

Deals with big pharma, the fossil fuel industry, or any corporate donor to the right of Ben and Jerry’s are going to be the kiss of death for any Democrat this time, at least for the primary. It’s a sad day for progressives when the Koch brothers are talking about throwing money at the Democrats at the national level, especially considering the MSM gave Trump over a billion dollars of free air time thinking he would be the easiest candidate for Hillary to beat. Ya, how’s that workin for ya? Even the RNC didn’t want to give Trump any backing and Fox certainly didn’t promote him until he was the candidate. His support came almost entirely from the liberal media prior to the general election, but none of that carries over, right?

A much younger and more econ savvy group of voters are going to take control, and if the party hangs onto its antiquated pitch of “liberalism” without re-adopting its FDR New Deal roots they will not be hesitant to jump ship. There is no party loyalty to be found among them and the Green Party at least offers the attraction of being willing to address climate change, which the DNC leadership has just refused to do. It’s only their lives and future at stake, so don’t dare run them down for their choice of the only “true” progressive in the field promising to treat climate change as the enemy and go into war mode to defeat it.

Bernie has the following to destroy one of the two mainstream parties. The DNC has the ability to choose which one it will be. With 40+% of voters claiming to be Independent all of the polling of registered Democrats is only wishful thinking, so don’t count eggs before they hatch, and certainly don’t make Hillary’s mistake of thinking Trump will be “easy”.



Keith Evans
Keith Evans

Written by Keith Evans

Meandering to a different drummer.

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