The right has so successfully associated capitalism and trickle-down economics with the Constitution and the founders’ intent that any deviation or government benefits to the people is now seen as anti-American, and even treason. This ignorance of anything not promoted by conservative media and the constant drumbeat of appeals to patriotism gives many an assumed license to take whatever steps are necessary to protect their country.
Trump vocalizes this appeal to ignorance, but it is far from new. He has simply taken the propaganda full circle from political agents and media carrying water for conservative politicians to an administration that now carries water for the conservative media. While Trump is technically a member of the oligarch club, I don’t get the sense that he understands the propaganda well enough to be a conscious manipulator for their best interests. It is my opinion that he is a “true believer” of the propaganda, which is why the club has allowed him to continue as President. He will promote and sign any legislation he is told will be an advantage to trickle down capitalism with little cognizant understanding of any of it.
As such, along with his affinity for media attention, he is the perfect agent to represent the oligarchs to the unwashed masses. He is one of them, but rich. He represents a fulfillment of the lie that any of them can become wealthy via conservative economic principles. If he calls them into violent action against the “enemies” of the American way they will respond in droves, just as he manipulates those predisposed to violence in his rallies, and as he did at the border when he claimed immigrants seeking asylum to be the enemies of the nation they were seeking asylum in. He, like his followers, can’t be accused of any higher level of thinking or logic.
The future of the Republican party, and perhaps the country, will hinge on how many Republicans oppose any attempt on his part to remain in office after his inevitable political defeat.