The success of any democracy is entirely dependent upon the ability of the voters to remain knowledgeable and informed. America is less capable of forming an informed consensus opinion than any time since its founding, and that is entirely the fault of what passes for capitalism protecting its narrow interest of profit-seeking and markets.
As soon as the Supreme Court allowed unlimited money flow into influencing our government the deal was sealed for America’s demise. The sheer neglect and animosity toward the people displayed by our elected officials is far worse than any examples from Soviet Russia and has the approval of more than half of American voters. Offering Americans no-cost healthcare or higher education will result in death threats from the very people who would benefit the most from both. Just proposing fixing our failed infrastructure that is all that is left of our better days will be shouted down as “socialism” used as a curse word by people who can’t accurately define the term.
If I were younger the election of the feces slinging ape now residing in the White House would have prompted me to give up and simply move. There is no shortage of much more deserving nations which actually serve their people and accept American immigrants. They are the ones that consistently kick our collective asses in any important metric for society and offer better potential for small business. I now hate almost everything about the country I once loved and only hope it manages to die without infecting the rest of the world with its neoliberal disease, although it may be too late for that as well.