The up/down cycles of business are simply a way to extract wealth from the middle class to be harvested by the investment class. The fear of such instability drives the working class to hold onto jobs that they would otherwise abandon in a heartbeat. When one is dependent upon an employer for basic needs, as well as healthcare coverage, and never allowed to save for the future the stranglehold on labor is relentless.
Our entire tax structure, including Social Security and Medicare withholding, serves only to remove purchasing power from the working class while rewarding the investment class. Any economic incentives are always directed toward a "market", not consumers, and little federal spending is ever seen by anyone who might benefit from it.
At least half of our current inflation is due to business management protecting its investors' ROI with a higher pricing of its goods. This only works in an environment where competition is mostly non-existent and monopolies are the norms. Without competitive options, consumers are forced to accept higher prices that more than equal any real wage increases they might have gained.
This forces shareholder equity to be accepted as a "constant", leaving only wages and prices as variables. Since wages have not kept up with inflation they cannot be expected to decline, however many investors might want them to, and that only leaves price as a true variable.
The suffering induced by higher prices is much different between the working and investment classes and has become a primary weapon of the endless class war that the wealthy will always win if government doesn't weigh in with some positive measures to benefit workers.