The US, and many other sovereign nations, has no reason to tax corporations with the purpose of generating revenue. It has infinity dollars available to spend at the federal level which means taxation cannot add to that number. There is no "infinity+T" in any math I know of. Taxation could be at 100% and not increase the ability of the currency issuer to spend one iota.
Taxing business only adds to its cost of production and overall inflation as that cost is marked up along with any material or labor costs. With our multi-layered production this can add considerably to the cost of goods with no offsetting benefits.
The US is somewhat unique in its monetary system in that it contains numerous taxing entities within its borders, but only one, the federal government, is authorized to issue currency. If business is to be taxed, it would be most productive to allow states to be the beneficiaries of that tax, as they do rely on revenue.
Each state knows, or should know, what it needs to provide to support the businesses within its jurisdiction and how best to fund that support. If it is deemed desirable to limit wealth accumulation that should be done at the personal income level after profits are distributed to shareholders.