The worst thing about single payer healthcare is that the current myopic view of economics at the federal level would cause our econ illiterate Congress to attempt to "pay for" it with increased taxation.
Forcing over a million insurance workers and those who administer the plans for providers into involuntary unemployment would most certainly be a deflationary event and would end up requiring both massive retraining investment and tax cuts to soften the economic blow. If we did something akin to single payer in response to the pandemic, which is already creating deflationary pressure, we could kick off a depression that would make '29 seem like a picnic in the park
Obamacare created a "regulated utility" from our healthcare system and only increased the inflationary pressure it presented. However, it is the best we can do until we can elect a Congress that has a clue about economics and stop depending upon the banking system to control the economy with only monetary policy in their toolkit.