There is a basic misconception about government that must be addressed before we can even hope to "vote" our way out of our problems. That is the view of government as a benefactor to the citizens and it is almost completely in error in our current reality.
Despite very clear Constitutional mandates the current government serves to maintain the status quo, regardless of parties in power or campaign promises made. At best, it "might" be able to hold the line briefly against the rapid deterioration in living standards for its citizens, but it will always answer directly to the status quo and will turn its considerable ability to harm its citizens lose on anyone who poses a serious threat to that.
In a capitalist economy, that means whatever capital decides it wants, whether it be a compliant labor force or simply a wage standard that slowly starves the people. That loyalty to capital will not be deterred by demonstrations or even civil disobedience. You certainly will not ever be able to simply vote your way out, as the government is too complex and unbending to be changed by a few activists who might be elected.
When we decided to allow capital and its donor class owners to act as common citizens in our political campaigns we sealed our fate for any foreseeable future. What other outcome could we expect when the people who have unlimited money creation ability are allowed to direct that toward the class that will gladly pay them well for their services and loyalties?
With half of the total population still praising the virtues of capitalism while working longer hours for less pay every year the answer damn sure isn't going to come from the "little people". I'm afraid it will have to be allowed to fall apart so it can be rebuilt better in alignment with our economic reality. The sooner that happens, the more time we have after the collapse to do better. I'm not thinking of allowing total power to the GOP, but I lean more that direction with each day Dems manage to do less than nothing, again.