There is a lot to unpack here, most of it in error or arrived at via misunderstanding of MMT and the process by which our government funds itself and its programs. You are still viewing those as if the monopoly holder of the patent on US dollars needs to "get" dollars to spend, either via taxation or debt.
It doesn't, as the US dollar is self funding by authority of our constitution. Where else would dollars come from if not from the only issuer of dollars? Our federal government creates new money from thin air every time it spends, and it destroys those dollars when it collects them as tax payments. I would challenge the naysayers to MMT to show me an accounting system anywhere in the world that allows money to reduce debt and survive to be applied to future spending.
If the government doesn't spend in deficit there is no money available to purchase Treasury debt, so its deficits "fund" bond issues, not the other way around. Treasury debt is a convenience offered to investors, not a funding mechanism for the currency issuer. This means that the issuing government will "ALWAYS" be in the driver seat in terms of rates paid and will never be subject to the will of investors, as the debt itself is unnecessary to spending. In fact, sans a gold reserve to defend, the debt offers far more confusion and propaganda fodder than it is worth. Bond issues should be curtailed until voters and their elected politicians can understand the reality they live in.