I certainly share your impatience with leftist conspiracy theories, but I see these as characteristics of extremism rather than leftism, and inasmuch as the American right is much further from the center, they’re the greater concern.
There’s little need for conspiracies on the right. Simply place a collection of 100 CEOs, bankers, and extremely wealthy people in a room and they will hammer out a plan that Stalin would be quite comfortable with, and will donate to whoever will sell their soul as they leave. They don’t have to know each other or ever meet again.
At this point, I see only two solutions:
A Blue Tsunami in 2020 that obliterates the Republican Party, forcing it to reorganize along more moderate lines so that it can come back later in the 2020s as a responsible counterbalance to Democratic dominance.
Further polarization leading to violence of such magnitude as to shock Americans back to the realization that compromise is the lifeblood of democracy.
I’m pretty sure that #1 would result in #2 as well, especially if Trump is defeated along with additional gains in the house and a reversal in the Senate. About 1/4 of Republicans actually believe Trump was ordained by God to be our President until he dies and he would have no second thoughts about leveraging that into a violent uprising to salve his ego.
I’m sure he would claim election fraud and anything else that would allow him to avoid admitting genuine defeat, much as Hillary has done since ’16 only he would be playing to a much more sympathetic crowd who sees American politics as the fulfillment of prophecy. This is scary s%*t considering that his recent proclamation of having all the “tough guys” of police, the military, and bikers at his call in defeating Democrats was only renounced by a few biker gangs. Not a word from military or police leaders that I’m aware of.