Capitalism an economic system; it is an operational way money is obtained and distributed.
This is the grand lie that enables the greed that is the topic of the piece. It is completely false and dangerous but gives great advantage to the wealthy and the politicians willing to sell out their country and constituents for their own gain. America’s style of unregulated capitalism for the benefit of a small minority is simply incompatible with a truly democratic government, so is the enemy of democracy.
Money is a product of law, and therefore the government. It is a unit of measure that denominates commerce and contracts, not a “thing” that can be created by a business. Business can shuffle money between winners and losers, but can never “create” one dollar that can store value, be net saved, or retire private debt. If money were a thing, as capitalists imagine it to be, there would only be one currency in the world to denominate value of resources, which are global. All economics comes down to resources, not money.
As long as voters can remain convinced that business is their benefactor and government is a cost to the economy, not the monopoly issuer of the money that it is, the wealthy and their corporations will dominate the government, and by extension, the people. This is the definition of fascism and America is in it up to its hairline.