In four years we will have another chance to put a real progressive in the White House.
This will only be true if we can manage to assemble a third party at that time. The criminal DNC is certainly not likely to advance any progressive legislation if they are allowed to win by virtue of not being Trump. Their assault on the very institution of democracy their name mockingly suggests will extend every effort to assure the failure of any such effort, so the odds are very slim.
Apparently, there’s nothing like a global pandemic that shuts down the world’s economies to make you realize that universal healthcare divorced from employment status is pretty damn important.
Why then do you continue to support someone who has both stated and demonstrated his disdain for such a benefit? If you think Biden will abandon his largest contributors to do what is right for America I would like to remind you of what his mentor did when he managed to delude American workers similarly. In short, don’t hold your breath waiting for what every other modern economy takes for granted. Your party killed that and stomped on its grave.
If you truly believe in Sanders’ platform, then vote accordingly. Vote to get as close to those policies as we can.
I thought about it, but decided I can’t cast a vote for Trump even if he is now suggesting more progressive policy, such as a version of Medicare 4 All, than the appointed Democratic nominee. I don’t see any path for me that includes voting for either major party’s nominee so I’ll likely vote Green again. Voting for the neoliberalism that now has complete control of the DNC is last on my list of options. That’s how we got to the miserable and deadly position we are now living.