Trade wars are essentially all proof of economic ignorance. We are mad because China doesn’t charge us enough for their stuff, so we are going to tax our own consumers to make up the difference? Since when has cheaper consumer goods been a bad thing for our economy? How does collecting higher taxation fix anything in an economy already starved of currency?
America trades pieces of paper it pulls from its backside for real goods produced with real labor, but can’t “find” the money to supplement its own population’s ability to purchase those goods? Trump is waging a war, but it isn’t against China. His war is against the American consumer, and the average consumer is cheering for it. The weakness of democracy is that you will always get the government you deserve.
Bend over and grab the lube, because this is just a practice run for the tsunami about to hit when AI and robotics wipe out any hope of maintaining the old school thought of wages and jobs supporting the economy. Will we wage war on the robots, or will we use our monetary system “for the general welfare” as the Constitution mandates? Probably the former if the past inability of Congress to grasp simple economic realities is any indication.