Trump and his misfit army did America a great favor yesterday.
Yesterday’s events at the US Capitol released America from its extended capture in a cartoon reality. America has been held hostage in a cartoon version of itself that resembled a bad remake of Mad Max more than any modern democratic society. The captors were primarily members of the GOP and their donors, but the DNC was complicit in allowing the absurdity of what “freedom” and “liberty” had come to represent.
President-elect Biden was already making noises hinting at “moving forward” and “putting the past behind us” when the culmination of that cartoon reality manifested itself with the siege of the Capital. It was clear that the ineffective Obama administration was going to be repeated as the more than obvious criminal and seditious conduct of the previous administration was ignored in a rush to capitulate to Republicans and abandon all campaign promises made to Democrats and Americans in general.
Good luck dodging this one Joe.
Comparisons between the reactions to BLM protests and to this obvious coup attempt are already being made and that can’t go anywhere except deeper into the ugly underbelly of conservative extremism and its connections to GOP politicians, including the President. People in the DC motel industry could have predicted that something was going to happen yesterday, but those responsible for the security of the Capital and our representatives there seemed oblivious to the signs (or complicit in the plans). One merely makes them unqualified for their jobs, but the other makes them guilty of aiding and abetting an enemy of our nation. Their oath specifically mentions enemies “within”, so they should never be allowed to feign surprise, especially those who opened gates for the mob to enter or took selfies with them.
Is there that much separation between the coup attempt to thwart democracy we saw yesterday and the “business as usual” voter disenfranchisement that has come to exemplify the GOP at the state level where elections are controlled? Is there that much difference between the goals of the fanatic pictured above and any corporate-owned politician, regardless of party affiliation? They both serve masters other than the people and have no limit to the depth of efforts they will undertake to promote those masters for their own personal gain and to preserve their entitlement.
It will be relatively easy to connect the dots between Trump and the anarchists who displayed such loyalty to him yesterday, but we shouldn’t let President Biden off the hook for his part in getting us to where we find ourselves at this moment. Ditto for any politician with more than two terms in office who didn’t shout a warning to America from their podium without stopping. Trump didn’t enlist this misguided and delusional army. It was there for him to use to maximum advantage because of the efforts, and lack thereof, of many Presidents and politicians before him, each for his/her own ambitions. Trump simply lacks the finesse to escape culpability and hide his complicity.