" Unfortunately, we can't, and this mentality isn't confined to them."
Republicans have always been forced to rely on the votes of the most delusional among us to remain in power. They are predictable and not our main problem. We always know they will rail against "big gubmint" while directing the big government's purse strings to benefit their donors in return for the massive funding and propaganda that the little people eat up like manna from heaven.
The Democratic party underwent a transformation in the '60s and '70s that assured they would never become a force for the people again, but would become a "class" that could profit greatly by losing. They simply offer no alternative vision beyond the social hot buttons they have come to be famous for and the economics are always left up to their corporate donors to manipulate.
They are now just Republicans with a kinder. gentler message for minorities and women, as long as they never actually demand economic equality and settle for slogans and lip service. There will always be a few Bernies, Naders, or AOCs among their ranks to hijack any message of "true" equality and turn the malcontents back into the fold, but their purpose and outcomes will always favor the corporations that pull their strings.