Unless the Fed can manage to sustain economic growth long enough for all the abandoned Americans from ’08-‘16 to rejoin the workforce wages won’t rise, and few people are going to vote based on keeping the minimum wage job that prevents them from receiving benefits. The current unemployment rate is entirely fiction arrived at by manipulating the numbers, not actual people working. The problem with telling everyone how well everyone else is doing, even if they aren’t, is that more people identify with the underdog and that always benefits Dems.
The real danger to the Democratic party is believing its own polling numbers and especially those generated by the corporate media that favors any establishment candidate. Remember that Hillary greatly underperformed her polling in several swing states that ended up being her demise. The DNC and its media arm are showing every indication that they will not abide with a populace progressive candidate becoming the nominee.
If they can accomplish that without being as obvious as they were in ’16 the progressive left’s disgust for Trump might cause them to hold their nose long enough to vote for an establishment Dem, but the slightest hint of shenanigans will cause them to sit out another election. I believe the concept of any significant number of “moderate” Republican votes being available is a myth from pre-Obama days. Counting on them to replace pissed off progressives, as they did in ’16, will be a big mistake.
The one issue that might bring former Trump voters across to vote for a Dem is climate change, but none of the establishment Dems are making it more than a distant 3rd behind social issues. It’s obvious they don’t have permission from their deep-pocket donors to give it the attention it needs, so they will play the same divisive song and dance and lose again.