We can’t beat them overpowering them, but maybe we can beat them by looking their power in the eyes, saying “I don’t care”, and turning towards the joys and struggles and mysteries they’ve tried so hard to take away from us.
There is a lot of wisdom in what you present in this piece. However, it is extremely hard for many to disengage from the economic factors the elite have shackled us with.
This is why I advocate for the truth behind MMT economic thought so strongly. It, providing enough can be convinced of its correctness in the face of a massive propaganda campaign for the orthodoxy, makes the elite irrelevant to providing for our basic requirements.
Understanding the process by which all money is created and destroyed lets us rid our thinking of the fallacy of "job creators" and our "need" for their money. The most effective blow one can strike for their economic freedom is to make their would be captors irrelevant in their lives.