We often make the assumption that something that isn't working must be totally flawed and only complete replacement is a viable option. This isn't true with the basics of our current economic system and overthinking it means extreme disruption, which has only happened in times of catastrophic failure in the past. Such disruption is too great a price to pay for the chance to remake our economy, especially if we are not giving credit for what is potentially workable at present.
Our founders laid out a plan that provides both economic support from a central government as well as the freedom to pursue specialties and talents for individuals. Everything we need is already in place. We only need to recognize its potential and destroy its failures. This means acknowledging the critical role the central government plays as a "currency issuer" that can afford anything that can be resourced in the private sector as well as the supreme legislator that can regulate our excesses.
Remaking the economy into something more in line with the vision of our founders means throwing off the current control business and especially monopolies in banking have over our government. The people must be trusted to decide what is best for their collective interests, not the suppliers of the goods and services. In short, we must relegate "supply side" trickle down economics to the dustbin of history as a failed experiment and demand that our government use its power of the purse to reverse the damage of that failure.
The government has the ability to do this while insulating the population from harm. As long as resources are available to provide for our basic needs it makes little difference who pays for them. Automation and AI should be welcomed by the people, not seen as a threat because they destroy "jobs". Who, in their right mind, actually wants a job if it wasn't made a necessity by a system that benefited from that need? Bring on the robots!