We will keep going through these cycles until the people recognize that they are being had and understand economic realities in our monetary system. Banks are the major beneficiaries of economic myths as the people demand that their source of money to fuel growth and retire private debt is cut off to service an imaginary debt.
When we depend upon private debt to supply even the most basic necessities without allowing any method of retiring that debt, instead rolling it over into constant GDP growth, we doom ourselves to dependency and crashes at every business downturn. The concept of a tax-funded government is also the primary driver of most social ills as people feel they are entitled to watch over the use of “their” money, not understanding that the spending they oppose is the only net source of that money.
With no truthtellers in government and two neoliberal parties dominating the election processes, we won’t break from the hold banking has on us any time soon. Doing so may require the complete failure of the economy that you suggest is close at hand. It took the great depression to return to reality in our economy once. Perhaps we need such calamity to put us on track again. Such a collapse was averted in ’08 but not in any way that benefited the people.
There is no slack in the economy left that won’t require massive injections of public money at the lowest level to recover. The government’s complete failure to provide for the people under neoliberal management has created a tinderbox that we can only hope doesn’t ignite when it fails again.