What rural GOP voters fail to realize is that the many disparities they experience are simply natural consequences of capitalism without proper regulatory restraint. No where is that lack of restraint more evident than in the Senate which only serves to defend the remnants of slavery in rural states to benefit the capital system of the business centers.
The GOP/conservative leaders have taken advantage of the general ignorance and religious belief of rural state residents to con them into supporting policies that directly detract from their own best interests. The concept of "smaller gubmint" perpetuated by that leadership falls apart when one realizes that Nebraska has 93 counties, each with elected and appointed paid government positions and taxing authority.
This served the residents well when transportation was largely via horse and communication was difficult as one could get to their county seat and back home within the span of daylight if needed. However, the redundancy inherent in such a fractured system is impossible to ignore. Even assuming the federal government is dependent upon tax revenue as state and local governments are (it isn't), this system is wildly wasteful at the managerial level and very prone to corruption.