When one compares economic policies (the only issue that will matter in '22 or '24) of Democrats and Republicans it would be hard to slide an EBT card between them. Democrats have been sold on markets as the only solution to economic problems since they gave up the union vote in favor of deep pocket donors shortly after Carter's failed administration.
(Bill) Clinton gave the banks and oligarchs the reins of the economy with NAFTA and repealing Glass-Steigel. His "triangulation" policy was soon figured out by GOP insiders and the concessions he made took us far to the right of anything RayGun could have dreamed of. The Democrats have been firmly in the pocket of Wall St and banking ever since.
Thinking that Shillary would have done anything to reverse that, or the permanent war footing Obama was party to, is more magical thinking than the evangelicals could conjure. Her abrassive cackle when she fondly reminissed about Ghadafi told it all.