Why would the monopoly issuer of US dollars ever need to "borrow" its own dollars back? This mistaken concept of how our nation spends, reinforced by laws that can be easily changed, is what is keeping our economy divided and trending downward for the vast bulk of the population.
Treasury bonds lost all of their utility as a funding mechanism when we left the gold standard and are now just welfare for the wealthy and leverage to manipulate interest. Sans a gold reserve to defend the national debt is now just an accounting for money created by Congress but not yet used to pay a federal tax obligation.
As soon as a politician states we can't "afford" to spend to save lives or mitigate suffering they should be ignored. At the federal level, we can afford anything that can be purchased with US dollars, including any labor the private sector rejects. This fixation on deficits (necessary for any net importer) and the misnamed debt is going to be our downfall.