Do all the research, dig up facts, sweat over every word and clause, and make your stuff so damn good that millions of people want to read it. Then you can bask in the approbation of millions while some plucky young upstart complains that you are biased. 😀
Yes, because I’m sure that’s how Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, or their counterparts at MSNBC do it. Surely you jest, right?
If you want to know what is newsworthy it’s far easier to look at what “isn’t” covered, or allowed to be covered by the oligarchs who own 99.9% of the media.
One can tell the truthtellers simply by the fact that they “don’t” work for any major American company. They all have fled, or were forced to flee, to alternative media long ago, about the time the MSM was softening the path to invasion of Iraq, or ignoring Bernie’s first bid for the Democratic nomination.