You can't get away that easily. The "payfor" objection to all spending benefiting the people is literally killing many of them and robbing many more of their futures. By linking taxation to spending as a prerequisite you play directly into the grand myth of our government being a "cost" to the economy and not the "source" of all net monetary assets. This is an extreme disservice and rises to the level of aiding and abetting fraud.
Congress spending money, regardless of its revenue position, isn't just "another way" of funding the public purpose. It is the "ONLY" way to do so. How does one manage to deploy resources and labor by "subtracting" net monetary assets from the private sector? There is no function of the Treasury or the Fed that allows for recycling of tax collections into new spending. Spending net monetary assets into the economy is the monopoly purview of Congress, as is determining tax rates, but they are simply not connected in a common purpose.
As I stated, I am all for taxing the bejebus out of billionaires, but not for the purpose of "funding" anything. Congress can, at any time, fully fund a more humane and equitable society as it is mandated to do by our constitution, and without a single dime of increased tax collections or borrowing. We no longer have the luxury of time to watch the wealthy and their political/media puppets perform their old dance of threats and payoffs. People are dying around the world to preserve a failed status quo.