You exhibit all of the characteristics of a moderate liberal who will enable the continued slide into total fascism if it helps your "side" win. You've also indicated that you are comfortable enough to "feel the pain" of the average American that will die $62k in debt, but from afar.
Biden will resume the wholesale bombing of the rest of the world and his supporters will cheer for it . He will also tell us how bad off we are because of the debt that Trump allowed and how we must bite the bullet and cut spending. These are observations arrived at from the history of his nominees and his own words, not conjecture. He will, like Obama, barely hold the economy together and will offer no subtenant change to our broken system. This will, as it did in 2016, present us with another (or the same) wannabe fascist who appeals to a desperate populace which is not econ literate but knows when things aren't as they are told.
The system will get fixed, eventually. At question is how deep the blood runs in the streets in the process. Biden, at best, promises to mark time while the donor class gathers the little remaining wealth of the middle class, but the people will not remain blind to the rest of the world passing them up indefinitely. If Trump was even minimally competent we would now be a fully fascist nation with the voters' approval.