You may have noted that the Federal Government’s interest expense surpassed $1 Trillion per year, an amount higher than the Defense Budget and behind only Social Security Expenses and Medicare. And, if there’s one thing you can count on, interest expense will become the country’s number one expense within a few short years.
The one big difference between you and the federal govt is the govt makes the money, so it can never "go broke" or fail to pay any obligation denominated in US dollars. It also never has to "get" those dollars from us to make any payment.
The sharp increase in interest on our debt is due to the Fed's effort to curb inflation via increased interest rates. It is assumed that higher costs of borrowing will suppress economic activity, especially in housing and autos, but also in business expansion. However, that $ Trillion expense item is a real injection of US dollars into the private sector as much as spending that much would be, but to the opposite end of the income spectrum that most spending would be directed to. It is currently being leveraged into management funds purchasing residential properties and used autos, both of which are primary "drivers" of inflation.